Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meeting Amanda Green!

A day late, and a dollar short I know, but I didn't have the chance to blog yesterday. The lyricist of High Fidelity, Amanda Green, was in the audience Friday night. Meeting her was one of the highlights of my existence. She was fantastic. She loved everything we did with the show, which is great because we love everything she wrote for the show. She is a beautiful woman and I was so grateful to get to meet her. I know I came across like a giggling fangirl, but she didn't seem perturbed by it, in fact, at the height of a squee she told me that I was just the cutest. I could have died of happiness right then. I'm gushing, I know, but it was just so freakin' cool. I will post more about this experience later but I am wanted onstage at church.

And a sidenote, it is entirely too early to be awake after a cast party. Yikes.

Peace, love, and rock 'n' roll,

1 comment:

Detlef said...

Hi, just want to leave a comment. Found your blog when looking for some other High Fidelity stuff. Actually, there's the first European performance of HiFi in Germany, if you understand some German, you may find some stuff about the German performance at

Best wishes, Detlef